Project Description
Keld Resource Centre – Study Days
As a new venture this year, Keld Resource Centre is offering a series of three study days

Keld Resource Centre in partnership with Low Row with Keld URC
New for 2022: Study days
As a new venture this year Keld Resource Centre is offering a series of three study days. They are as follows:
Thursday, 7 July: Revd John Proctor
Christian Witness in a Confused and Connected World (Acts 19-20)
Saturday, 6 August: Revd David Wood
Seek the Ancient Paths: Old Testament Spirituality for Today
Thursday, 1 September: Revd Trevor Pitt
Looking at Green Technology
Each day will follow a similar programme:
10.30 Arrivals and coffee
11.00 Session One
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Session Two
15.00 Refreshments and Departure
All participants are invited to bring a packed lunch. The cost for each day will be £10 per person.
To book your place on any or all of the days, please contact Revd David Wood
Email address:
We hope you will find these days stimulating and rewarding